Wednesday, November 7, 2012

I learned a lot

      Every Saturday morning from June to October 2012.I waked up early to go to school in my MAEA class at BSU. One of my subjects is SOCIOLOGICAL-PHILOSOPHICAL FOUNDATION OF EDUCATION. In this subject I learned a lot of new things that helps me improve myself from being shy or afraid of sharing ideas to others.Every topics that I learned I shared it to my fellow teachers and it made me intelligent. Now I realized that I am not afraid facing the challenges in life. I grow and confident in all aspects because of what I have learned in this subject.
     Every time I attended classes, I am so eager and excited because of my instructor who motivated me in her way of talking,mode of dressing and her total personality that inspires me to go further. So as a teacher(just like my instructor) I will make myself attractive so that my pupils are also interested in going to school. I will make them comfortable so that there will be a harmonious relationship.
     In this class also I gained many friends that help me in times of difficulties,sharing foods,assignments,in times of reporting(one of my classmates offered his DLP) and sharing some jokes that made the class active and funny. So as a student, it is important to have friends and being helpful to each other and grab the opportunity of not being alone.
      Thanks God!